In early ages the Phisicain were not using Computers in the Medical field,but now a days Doctors are using Computers to store the Database of the patient. Database can include Patiant's Profile that includes Name ,Address and the history of Patient.
History of the patiant means his illness history ,that is he is suffering from the specific desease from how much time , what sort of Medicine he had taken , what were the result of that Madicine .
These type of information helps the Doctors to take right time decisions about the cure of desease and for the betterment of the patient.There must be one precaution when the data of the Patient is being saved that that person who is entering the data, should be qualified enough so that no mistake be done.
When Computers were used in Hospitals for the storage of patiants data ,it not only saved the time of the Medical staff ,but also help the Researchers to take the advatage of that data to make new Medicine .
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