Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Low Frequency Verses High Frequency UPS

The same transformer operating at a higher frequency, weighs may be only 9 lbs., which the size and weight of the UPS substantially.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Un Interruptible Power Supply

The size of UPS depends upon its capacity ,the capacity can be from 200 VA to many Hundered VA. Normally UPS are used with Dry Batteries but it depends on the user .Dry Batteries are used in it as they are maintenance free and no harmful fumes comes out of it. When wet batteries are used with UPS ,it must be understood that these wet batteries require maintenance and these are harmful for the health of humans when they are placed inside the room due to their harmful fumes.
By type they can be Off Line ,On Line and Line Interactive.Off Line UPS are normally cheap in price.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Computer Hard Discs
The storage of the data is a very critical task. Different medias are used for the storage of data like Floppy discs,Hard discs,Writable CDs, Writeable DVDS,Tape Drives ,DAT Drives etc. Hard discs or Hard Disc Drives or simply HDD were introduced in IBM Machines in 1956.
Now a Days HDD are also used in Digital Video Recorders , Digital Audio Players and ,Digital Cameras .It was 2005 when SAMSUNG AND Nokia used Hard Discs in Mobile Phones . To secure Data on Networks NAS (Network Attached Storage ) and SAN ( Storage Area Network ) Hard discs are used.
When you talk about form factor of HDD ,it means the size of the hard disc ,there are many sizes like in 1979 the size was 8 Inches ,then in 1980 Seagate introduced 5.25 Inches HDDs .In 1984 3.5 Inch Hard Drive was introduced . 2.5 Inch HDD was introduced by PrairieTek in 1988. Then for Digital Audio Players 1.8 Inch Hard Disc was introduced . Now a Days the smallest form factor is 0.85 Inch used for Mobile Phones.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Games and Children
These games have some advantages and some disadvantages .
A Child become familiar with Computer based games,
He may have better coordination between eye and hand.
His intelligence may increase.
- Children may become violent.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The LCD monitor has a better brightness ,since an LCD acts like a shutter, it can be made brighter by increasing the brightness of the backlight. However, when the beam current of a CRT is increased to boost brightness, the beam spot size also increases, which lowers effective resolution and may yield a soft or fuzzy image.No flickerThere is no flicker on an LCD display because, while a CRT must be refreshed, the LCD has a constant source of light over the whole screen. Once a pixel is on, it stays on until turned off.
In contrast, an LCD has millions of pixels, each one effectively independent from its neighbor, with no scanning electron beam, so distortion problems are negligible. The image is always perfectly "focused" over the entire screen.
Power consumption
LCD consumes less power as compared with CRTs that is about one-third of that required for a CRT with the same screen area. In addition, the amount of heat generated by an LCD monitor is considerably less than a CRT monitor. And, if an LCD monitor is used with an uninterruptible power supply, the lower power required provides precious extra minutes to store critical data and shut down gracefully in the event of a power failure.These power-saving features of LCDs reduce the total cost of ownership.
Low emissions
An LCD is essentially emission-free, while a CRT monitor can generate electric, magnetic and even X-ray emissions due to the high-voltage power supply necessary to drive the CRT. An LCD causes no electromagnetic interference.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Computer and Frustration
Computer Technology is also creating frustration as this technology is now common in our lives. Because modern computing is marketed as user-friendly, it can be extremely frustrating when one cannot achieve a goal due in part to a software or hardware error, and because the user-friendly aspect is removed, many people find themselves unable to come to terms with their lack of options.
Manager are required to handle the frustrated person very carefully ,he must listen to the frustrated person with understanding to decrease his frustration level.
Appropriate behavior from the fellow workers , in turn, reduces the inner tensions that signal the motivated state. An understanding of the relationships among motives, behavior, and human goals provides the manager, administrator, or leader ,will help them minimize the behavioral problems
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Computers in Space

configurations,and I/O selections.
Computers in Business

Monday, September 22, 2008
Computers in Entertainment

When you watch Titanic ,Godzilla ,Spiderman , Batmanor the Harry Potter ,you became hipnotised from begining upto the end of the movie.People rush to such movies due to their animation due to which every thing looks so real .
All of these animations are due to Computer based animations.Compter experts creat the animation so close to real world that people fell while watching movies that they are facing them in real world.
The use of Computer animation was started in Late 1970's . For the last few years, computer animated motion pictures have been hits at the box office. Movies like Toy Story, Captain Nemo, and Shrek were very popular among audiences. As computer animation technology starts to get faster and seasoned animation veterans begin to develop processes to make full length computer animation more efficient, animation studios are planning to increase their movie output. This is great for those looking for jobs in computer animation.
Currently, principal computer animators are generally paid around $175,000 annually. Now that there are 25-30 new computer animated motion pictures scheduled for release in 2007, a huge jump from the previous year, animation salaries are expected to rise even higher and faster than ever.
There are many Institutions around the world that are preparing man power for Computer Animation for the world.
Computer in Fashion Designing

Computers in Children Education

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Computers in Health

Computers Today